Links to pages in the 1956 Columbian

Cover ~ Presentation ~ Wescoatts Memory
Contents ~ Forward ~ Columbian Staff
Publisher ~ Photo Graphics ~ Dedication

Faculty Title Page
Faculty Portraits
Principal / Superintencent ~ Vice Principal / Councelors
1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8

School Board / Office Help
Cooks ~ Custodians

Classes Title Page

Top Five
Class Officers / Representatives

Senior Portraits
Adkins, Allen, Allen, Allred, Anderson, Anderson, Armstrong, Arnold, Avedovech, Baalman, Bailey, Baker, Barfus, Beardsley, Beardsley, Beem, Beiers, Beatty, Berlin, Bishop, Blackburn, Blossom, Blum, Bobo, Boggs, Bolin, Bradley, Brand, Brands, Briggs
Brodoczynski, Brooks, Browning, Bruno, Bullis, Bumgarner, Burdsall, Burke, Burnett, Butler, Callahan, Chapman, Clark, Clark, Clinehens, Cole, Collins, Connell, Cook, Cooper, Cowan, Cox, Craven, Crawford, Crieighton, Crews, Crose, Davey, Davidson, Davies
Davis, Davis, Davis, DeFord, de le Puente, Delsing, Dibbern, Dickson, Donovan, Doyle, Duran, Earp, Eaton, Eckert, Edens, Edwards, Eichorn, Engel, Enos, Everett, Fievez, Finney, Foley
Fehrenbacker, Fortune, Foster, Frederick, Frederick, Freeland, Fuller, Gardiner, Gardner, Geer, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilmour, Gleason, Glenn, Glines, Goggin, Gould, Graham, Green, Griffen, Groves, Gulley, Haag, Hall
Haltman, Hamilton, Hanthorn, Harness, Harrold, Hartley, Hatcher, Hatfield, Haugse, Hewett, Hill, Hill, Hills, Hinson, Hoglund, Holeman, Howerter, Hudson, Hughes, Hunter, Huske, Husselton, Hutcherson, Irwin, Isom, Jenkins
Jensen, Johnson, Johnson, Jones, Jorgensen, Joseph, Judson, Kaiser, Kellie, Kelly, Kelly, Kibler, King, Kirkland, Kirkwood, Kirkwood, Kliebenstein, Knepp, Knoll, Koger, Kuiper, Lakey
Lair, Lattin, Lawrence, Laybourn, Layne, LeCount, Lindblom, Longworth, Lovinger, Ludlow, Lynch, Lyneis, Mack, Marsh, Martin, Maruca, Mattson, Mayberry, Mefford, Meyers, Mitchell, Mitchell, Molnaa, Monson, Moody, Mooers, Morse
McAllister, McCartney, McClellan, McCormick, McCue, McDermott, McDonald, McGilbry, McGruder, McKenzier, McKenzie, McVicker, Morris, Moss, Mosteller, Mudd, Myers, Neal, Nelson, Newell, Neylon, Nicholls, Nicholson, Nicholson, Nielsen, Nordershus, Olson
O'Conner, Overstreet, Parker, Pedersen, Pickles, Pierce, Pierce, Plumb, Powell, Purkhiser, Pyle, Qualheim, Rawlins, Regimbal, Rehm, Reninger, Rhyneer, Rittenhouse, Ritter, Ritz, Roach, Roberts
Robinson, Rockwood, Roddy, Roestel, Roestel, Rogers, Roller, Romanelli, Rowe, Rowe, Royce, Rudy, Ryals, Sanders, Sansom, Sargent, Scholl, Seaman, Seaton, Sheely, Sheeran, Shegrud, Shelby, Shule, Sievers
Sims, Skeen, Smith, Smith, Smith, Snow, Snyder, Sorensen, Sowell, Spears, Speed, Stage, Staples, Stephens, Stone, Sullivan, Tadlock, Taff, Tampian, Tanner, Tappan
Taylor, Taylor, Templeman, Thaves, Thiel, Thomas, Thompson, Tucker, Urseth, Valdez, VanWyick, Vance, VerSteeg, Verellen, Viegel, Vogel, Wahl, Walker, Wallace, Warburton, Watkins, Webb
Unidentified, Webster, Weeden, Weston, Weyerts, Wheaden, Wheeler, White, Wiley, Wilkerson, Willets, Williams, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Wodehouse, Wood, Woods, Working, Worrell, Yale --- Hall Hamrick, Helgeson, Henry, Hughes, Overstreet, Page
Senior Activities
Individual Senior Activities in alphabetical order
Adkins to Bolin ~ Bradley to Butler
Callahan to Craven ~ Crawford to Gardner
Gardiner to Johnson ~ Haag to Lynch
Mayberry to Mudd ~ Myers to Ritter
Ritz to Smith ~ Smith to Tampian ~ Tannar to Wyrick

Juniors Title Page
Class Officers and Representatives
Junior Portraits
Aasal, Aeschliman, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Andrews, Apgar, Aledge, Arnold, Ashbaugh, Azure, Bailey, Baker, Baker, Barr, Baxter, Bayless, Behrens, Bell, Bergam, Bigelow, Bishop, Black, Blackburn, Boggs, Bowen, Bowman, Bradley, Bresina, Briley, Brinkerhoff
Bromley(?), Brown, Brown, Brown, Bryson, Buchanan, Buchanan, Burke, Campbell, Campbell, Campbell, Case, Case, Cantelli, Chapman, Chapman, Chappell, Clark, Clemetson, Cline, Cluck, Cochran, Collins, Colwell, Conn, Cooley, Cotton, Cowgill, Cox, Cox, Cramner, Cressy, Crosley, Crowder, Curry, Dall
Davies, Deen, DeGood, Denberger, Dennis, Dettman, Devine, Diettrich, Dill, Douglas, Douglass, Doyle, Drake, Drury, Dye, Dye, Edgar, Edwards, Ellingsworth, Elliott Elsesse, Ely, Enderkin, Enderle, Ericksen, FitzPatrick, Foley, Unknown, Frantz, Fredricksen, Gallagher, Gates, Genereaux, Geron, Gifford, Gilbert
Gire, Goldsmith, Goodwin, Green, Green, Grimm, Gruver, Hagan, Hall, Hall, Hammack, Hanna, Hansen, Harris, Harrold, Haugen, Hayward, Hebert, Heffner, Heiling, Henry, Hibbard, Hightower, Hindman, Hoff, Hoffman, Holden, Hoppen, Horning, Howell, Hunt
Hurley, Isom, Ivers, Unknown, Jackson, James, Jarvis, Jensen, Jensen, Jetton, Johns, Johnson, Jones, Keeney, Kendall, Keys, Kirk, Kline, Knostman, Kolts, Kreutzer, Lair, Lambert, Langberg, Langford, Larrick, Last, Latendresse, Lewis, Liddell, McKee
Libke, Liddell, Lindgren, Loescher, Lucas, Lysher, MacDowell, Mallow, Manness, Mankowski, Martin, Matthews, McCartney, McCord, McDermott, McDougal, McElhaney, McFall, McGregor, McIntosh, McKee, McKenna, McLenegan, McMannis, McPeek, Melling, Meloeny, Meyers, Millar, Mills
McGee, Mohondro, Monk, Morris, Moss, Moss, Motyka, Muller, Mulligan, Murray, Nageley, Neal, Unknown, Neptune, Neth, Newsom, Nichols, Nicholson, Northup, O'Neil, Oakes, Ogston, Osterholm, Otey, Panther, Parker, Parker, Pasco
Patterson, Payton, Peale, Pearce, Pease, Perkins, Persons, Phillips, Pierce, Pierce, Pippett, Pittman, Pittock, Plee, Plumb, Pollard, Poor, Price, Priebe, Pruden, Ragland, Recker, Reed, Regimbal, Reich, Reich, Rex, Reynolds, Roberts, Roestel, Romanelli, Rose, Rotan, Sartain, Schnell, Seaton, Segrest, Shane, Shanks, Shannon, Shortess, Sitton
Snyder, Sommers, Steeber, Stewart, Stillwell, Stroup, Sullivan, Sutton, Sutton, Sybertz, Tegner, Tellier, Thaves, Thomas, Tomazin, Traver, Turner, VanWyck, Vickery, Vogel, Volpentest, Wade, Wade, Walton, Warren, Webb, Weeden, Whiteside, Whitner, Wilgus, Williams, Williams, Williams, Wilson, Wilson, Woolbright, Worcester, Worrell, Young, Ziege, Zilar, Zuelow

Sophomore Title Page
Class Officers

Group Pictures
Alder to Barnett and Green to Hauff
Anderson to Cartee
Cartwright to Crowder
Curtis to Finch
Finney to Irwin
Jasin to McDermott
Maguffee to Overson
Paulson to St. George
Sandall to Tampien
Thaves to Whitten
Williams to Zoda + some missing from other pictures

Activities Title Page
Sophomore Initiation

Homecoming Pg 1 ~ Homecoming Pg 2
Thanksgiving Formal
Senior Carmival
1955 Prom Pg 1 ~ 1955 Prom Pg 2
Barn Dance
Open House
Homecoming Queen
Tolo Week
1956 Tolo Royalty
Tolo King / Prom King and Queen
Pep Club Vaudville
State Pg 1 ~ State Pg 2
Foreign Student

Music Department Congratulations
Masjorettes and Flag Twirlers
Saxaphones, Trumpets, Trombones, Clarinets
Baritones/Tubas, Flutes, Drums, Horns
Band Officers / Band and Girls' Glee
Radio Choir / Sophomore Trio
Band Christmas Party / Male Quartet
Girls' Glee / Girls' Quartet
Bel Canto Trebleaires

Clubs Title Page
Student Council President
Student Council Officers and Representatives
Cheer Leaders ~ Song Leaders
Pep Club Pg 1 ~ Pep Club Pg 2
Columbian ~ Sandstorm
Quill and Scroll
National Honor Society
Boys' Federation
Girls' League
Columbia Christian Crusaders
Girls' Athletic Association
Future Homemakers of America
Future Farmers of America
Future Teachers of America
Commercial Club
Projection Crew
Key Club
Lettermen's Club
Caduceus Club
hysical Science Club
Debate Club
Girls' State
Candid Shots

Sports Title Page

Coaches Pics / Games: Scores and narrative
1 Action shot / 6 individual shots
1 Action shot / 6 individual shots
Team Photo / 1 Action shot / 5 individual shots
2 Action shot / 4 individual shots
1 Action shot / 4 individual shots
JV Football: Team Photo / Action Shot / Coaches

3rd in STATE Team Photo / Games and scores / Narrative
2 Action Shots / Coach Dawald / 4 Individual Action Shots
2 Action Shots / 3 Individual Action Shots
1 Action Shot / 3 Individual Action Shots
JV Basketball: 13 Individual Action Shots / Coach / Managers / Games with scores / narrative


Coaches / Narrative / 1 action Shot / 1 Individual Action Shot
9 Individual Action Shots
1 Action Shot / 10 Individual Action Shots

Coach / Sprinters / 1 Individual Action Shot
Distance Runners / Hurdlers
Field Events / 1 Individual Action Shot


Advertising Title Page
1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 (Hi-Spot) ~ 10 ~ 11
12 ~ 13 ~ 14 ~ 15 ~ 16 ~ 17 ~ 18 ~ 19 ~ 20 ~ 21 ~ 22 ~ 23

Rainbow Bar

ALL Bomber Alumni Links Alumni Sandstorm THE SANDBOX

Rainbow Bar


page started: 12/27/01
page updated: 12/27/01
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Class of 1956 Columbian